شبكة منتديات الطريق إلى الله
Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
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شكرا Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 829894
ادارة المنتدي Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 103798
شبكة منتديات الطريق إلى الله
Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 613623
عزيزي الزائر / عزيزتي الزائرة يرجي التكرم بتسجبل الدخول اذا كنت عضو معنا
او التسجيل ان لم تكن عضو وترغب في الانضمام الي اسرة المنتدي
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شكرا Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 829894
ادارة المنتدي Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) 103798
شبكة منتديات الطريق إلى الله
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

شبكة منتديات الطريق إلى الله

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نرجوا من إخواننا الأعضاء عدم إنشاء أى مواضيع سياسية بدون تأصيل شرعى لأن ذلك قد يعرض عضويتك للإيقاف
هذه دعوتنا : دعوة الى الهجرة إلى الله بتجريد التوحيد، والبراءة من الشرك والتنديد، والهجرة إلى رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم بتجريد المتابعة له. دعوة إلى إظهار التوحيد، بإعلان أوثق عرى الإيمان، والصدع بملة الخليلين محمّد وإبراهيم عليهما السلام، وإظهار موالاة التوحيد وأهله، وإبداء البراءة من الشرك وأهله. دعوة إلى تحقيق التوحيد بجهاد الطواغيت كل الطواغيت باللسان والسنان، لإخراج العباد من عبادة العباد إلى عبادة رب العباد، ومن جور المناهج والقوانين والأديان إلى عدل ونور الإسلام. دعوة إلى طلب العلم الشرعي من معينه الصافي، وكسر صنميّة علماء الحكومات، بنبذ تقليد الأحبار والرهبان الذين أفسدوا الدين، ولبّسوا على المسلمين... دعوة إلى البصيرة في الواقع، وإلى استبانة سبيل المجرمين، كل المجرمين على اختلاف مللهم ونحلهم {قل هذه سبيلي أدعو إلى الله على بصيرة أنا ومن اتبعني وسبحان الله وما أنا من المشركين}. دعوة إلى الإعداد الجاد على كافة الأصعدة للجهاد في سبيل الله، والسعي في قتال الطواغيت وأنصارهم واليهود وأحلافهم لتحرير المسلمين وديارهم من قيد أسرهم واحتلالهم. ودعوة إلى اللحاق بركب الطائفة الظاهرة القائمة بدين الله، الذين لا يضرهم من خالفهم ولا من خذلهم حتى يأتي أمر الله

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 Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion )

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

الدولة : Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) Egypt10
الابراج : الجدي
عدد المساهمات : 4723
مدى تفاعل العضو : 17523
تاريخ الميلاد : 19/01/1991
تاريخ التسجيل : 04/05/2013
العمر : 33
الموقع : https://islam4u.yoo7.com
الحالة الإجتماعية : خاطب

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مُساهمةموضوع: Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion )   Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) Emptyالسبت يونيو 01, 2013 12:46 pm

Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion ) Islamic78
What Is Deen (Religion )
misconception in this regard is that Deen is thought to be no more than
an ethical code. Deen is not the collection of a few moral values; it
is a comprehensive system of life covering all aspects of human life.
The moral values become operative within this system, or in other words
this system provides that sound base on which the edifice of these moral
values is established.
Did you ever ponder over this phenomenon that
the whole world says that telling a lie is bad; dishonesty is intensely
opprobrious; deception is very contemptible misdemeanor but in spite of
all this the whole world tell lies; corruption is rampant every where;
cheating is in full swing. The question is why is this all happening?
In spite of condemning and cursing all these things why has man taken to
them? Considering these acts the most detestable and opprobrious why is
he not refraining from them? Its reason is that either the people
acknowledge these moral values just as of formality or they have their
foundation on emotions alone. They know nothing as to why these values
should be followed and why should they not be violated. You ask a person
to satisfy you as to why you should not tell a lie. Going a little
deeper than superficial talk, you would realize that he has no
reasonable reply to this question. With all the reason and rhyme at his
command, he would not be able to respond to the why of your question.
He will not be able to explain to you rationally what would you loose by
telling lies and which gain you would accrue by speaking the truth. And
since man adopts only that which gives him gain and abandons that which
causes him loss, therefore his acquiescence to this effect is either
simply traditional or imitation or the product of emotional
inclinations. He neither develops insight of these values nor
rationally makes them the way of his life.
Deen provides those basic
concepts, which conspicuously bring forth the purpose and ultimate aim
of human life. The purpose of life defines the proper value of every
thing and when these values are identified it can very easily be
understood which one is profit bearing and which one is loss accruing;
which one is higher and which one is lower on the continuum of values.

Desire to Action

along with these basic concepts, provides the practical system through
which these theoretical values take the form of reality and then the man
within their concrete results sees of his own, how gainful or harmful
it is to act or not according to these values. Being affected by this,
his emotions and feelings follow the proper channel for their own
operation and since emotions are the impetus of actions, his life
synchronizes with these higher values. This is called the exaltation of
character and neatness of conduct.
Bear it in mind that human
activities pass through three phases: - namely a desire takes birth in
your heart; this desire awakes in the heart involuntarily, you have no
reason, rhyme or rationale for it; it relates purely to the emotions;
then you present it to the intellect. If your emotions are intense, your
intellect thinks or the means to accomplish it and provide justified
reasons for it. But if your intellect overpowers your emotions, it then
makes comparison between gain and loss, and if it sees that the gain to
be accrued is greater it decides to accomplish the desire. Now your
desire transforms into your wish; then your will power comes in to play,
and takes practical steps to actualize your desire. In this phase, your
WISH takes the form of your WILL.
But the human intellect, even if
not operating under the command of emotions can maximally decide the
gain or loss of that person, it cannot decide whether the desire is fair
or foul. In other words, the human intellect can only inform the person
concerned as to which thing is profitable to him and which one will
bring him loss. It can make no distinction between good and evil. This
distinction can only be possible in the presence of values, and as
narrated earlier, it is the concept of life that determines the values.

Concept of Life

does the concept of life (right or wrong) change the perspective of
human vision and define the direction of his activities, we need not to
go anywhere far to understand it. Every one complains today that
falsehood; deception, cunningness, betrayal, corruption, bribery,
injustice, oppression, extortion and exploitation are prevailing in the
world. It looks as if, without any exception of zones or inhabitants,
the germs of these diseases have spread all over the globe like an
epidemic. Did you ever ponder over the cause thereof? Ills were also
there in the days gone by, but these were not so general and
comprehensive. With a little pondering, this reality will be established
that its basic cause is the concept of life which, in the 19th century,
emerged in the West and due to the general and global means of
communication spread to ever nook and corner of the world. All these
ills/miseries are the product of this concept. This concept of life was
that the human life is only the physical life and laws governing the
life and the death at the animal level apply to man also. Survival of
the fittest is the immutable law of nature. According to this law, only
the one wielding the maximal scepter of authority and power has the
right to live. How was this authority and power acquired is no question.
The poor and the weak and the powerless can be allowed to live only to
become victual of the powerful. Every big fish devours the smaller one.
Insects are born to be the food of the sparrows and the sparrows
consequently breathe only to be the prey of the eagles. This is the law
of nature, the constitution of life. It is according to this law that
the decisions on the life and death of individuals as well as Nations
are made. “ Might is right” is the exigency of justice. Lion is the king
of jungle, not the goat. If the lion eats the goat, the goat cannot
make complain that it is the victim of oppression.
The animals live
by instincts which, though many in number can generally be classified
into three categories: Self-preservation, Self-assertion and
Self-procreation. When the human life is not valued higher than that of
the animal level, obviously every individual would work under these very
instincts, and then there would be no room for the moral values.


to the civilization raised on this concept, national character would be
regarded as highest character. Thinking deeply you would realize that
the national character is, also, the product of animal instinct. Herd
instinct is in the very nature of animals. Every animal finds its
preservation in living with its herd. This is the only urge on which a
nation comes into being and endures. Prosperity and well-being of one's
own nation becomes the highest values for the individual; the greatest
patriot becomes the one who squeezes out the last drop of blood of other
nations and decorates the magnificent edifice of one's own nation with
the gaudiness of this blood. For him, the question of being honest or
dishonest or the question of falsehood and truth does never arise. The
one who starts giving mind to these values cannot perform the affairs of
the state. In the words of Walpole:
“No great country was ever saved
by good men, because good men will not go to the length that may be
necessary to save a nation.”
In this connection, what these patriots
have to say, the reproduction of the words of the reputed Italian
thinker, Cavour are sufficient. He says.

“If we did for ourselves what we do for our country, what rascals we should be.”
you observe how a change in the concept of life brings changes in the
individual and collective life, and how does the concept of life
influence every walk of life? The reason that the moral values are
still being theoretically appreciated today is that the man has, up till
now, not been able to erase his sub-conscience free from the binding
effects of the past. If this concept pervaded any further into the next
few generations, even the concept of these values will be wiped off
from his mind and its verbal confession will also remain no more. Its
signs and symptoms have started surfacing right from now. Our younger
generation ridicules these values by calling them mere conservatism.
provides such concepts on which the whole edifice of human life is
raised and where every aspect of life is embodiment of higher values.
These concepts are not found in any religion of the world leave aside
atheism (religious ness). These are only the characteristics of Islam,
which entitles it to become the system of life established on right
lines and surety to human achievement and prosperity. These concepts
fall into the following headings.

Source: http://www.parvez-video.com/islam/article/index.asp
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Why Islam is only true Deen ( Religion )
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